Ugoff or Mugatu 06-10-2004

Ugoff and MugatuLately there has been a big buzz over the new ad campaigns from Burger King. From what I’ve read their new ad agency is looking to tap into the professional 20-something market. While I don’t eat a lot of fast food I will say I like how they are diversifying themselves from the likes of McDonalds and Wendy’s.

But back on topic, BK’s latest ad spot features a very Mugatu (Will Ferrell in Zoolander) like character, even down to the personality and body language. While I do find this a bit of a rip off I somewhat enjoyed the spot. The character in this case is named Ugoff and he features his own site much like the subservient chicken did.

The 20-somethings love stuff online and love sending their friends links to stuff like this and put it in their blogs.