I’m Getting a Little Tired of This 10-12-2007
Every music artist samples in some way, that’s no surprise. Typically it’s better to sample from songs that aren’t just a few years old. No one remembers the old stuff, thus it can be called current. When Kanye West sampled Daft Punk’s “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” for his song, “Stronger”, it was a stretch as the Daft Punk version only came out 6 years prior and Daft Punk has been on the road with their Alive 2007 tour, greatly featuring their version of the song.
The Alive 2007 tour, an amazing spectacle of a concert, featured some of the most advanced visuals I’ve seen. One of the most enchanting visuals was the red light up suits worn by the Daft Punk duo (seen below left).

If you’re wondering, that’s Kanye West on the right in his blue light up jacket from his “Stronger” performance on Saturday Night Live. It is one thing to sample a riff, but to also sample a concert which is still currently going on is a whole other matter.